June 1st 2016
To All Owners
The Bayshore – Durham Condominium Corporation No. 19
1210 Radom Street
Pickering, ON
L1W 2Z3
Re:Annual General Meeting – Invitation for Board Candidates
Durham Condominium Corporation No. 19
The Annual General Meeting for Durham Condominium Corporation No. 19 has been set for June 28, 2016. All owners are invited to attend. A formal “Notice of Meeting” will be mailed to all owners on June 10, 2016.
There will be one position open for election at this year’s AGM, for a one year term. Any person interested in seeking election to the Board may communicate their intention to seek election in writing care of the management office on or before June 8, 2016.
Section 28.2 of the Ontario Condominium Act (1998) states “the notice of a meeting to elect one or more directors shall include the name and address of each individual who has notified the board in writing of the intention to be a candidate in the election as of the fourth day before the notice is sent”. We note that the preceding does not preclude a candidate from seeking a nomination from the floor at the AGM.
You may direct any questions with respect to the above noted matter to Anna Suters by email (annasuters@gpms.ca) or by phone at (905) 427-8535 ext. 1130.
Yours truly,
Anna Suters
Property Manager